Installing Windows Updates

1. Click on your search bar at the bottom left of your screen and search for 'Updates', then click "Check for updates".

    This should open up a new window.

2. Click on 'Check for updates' and wait for it to be complete.

3. Once it has completed checking for the updates, it will tell you what updates need installing.

    There should be a button that appears saying 'Install Now', please click this.

4. Once complete, some updates will require you to restart your device, please click on 'Restart Now'.

    PLEASE NOTE: This does not have to be done immediately and can take a while for the device to complete the installation of the updates.

                                It is not recommended to do this if you need to use your device i.e. for lessons or meetings in the next hour.

5. Once your device has restarted, please repeat steps 1 & 2 to check if there are any more updates.

    If there are no more updates then you can install any optional updates and drivers.

    If there are more updates, please repeat the rest of the steps to install them.

Optional updates and drivers

1. After completing the main updates using the previous steps, please look for the 'Optional quality update available'.

2. If there is only 1 update to do, you will get the one option which is 'Download and Install', please click this and wait for it to download & install.

    If there is multiple updates to do, you will need to click on 'View all optional updates'.

    It will give a list of Windows Feature Updates and/or Driver Updates as shown below:

Please select all of the options shown in this area for Windows updates and Driver updates.

Then click on 'Download and install'.

Please note: If you have a driver update that is for your screen/display, it will cause your screen to appear blank/off as it configures the updates. This is normal and should not take more than a couple of minutes once started.

3. Some updates may require you to restart once installed for it to fully take affect on your device. This does not have to be done immediately and can take a while.

4. Once restarted, please check for any updates by repeating steps 1&2 on the previous section until there are no new updates.